A Sad Day
I was very, very sad yesterday because I saw another puppy die very miserably. Before I went for my long new year holiday the newborn puppies at my workplace were still blind. When I returned from my vacation their eyes had opened. They didn't look well but they were able to wobble about, lean on each other and even growl a bit. One by one they disappeared and only a little white puppy was left all alone. Sick and whimpering and abandoned by its parent. Yesterday I heard it cry very loudly the whole morning but I couldn't get away from my work. Soon as I could I went to see it and found it lying under the sun, unable to move but crying and its eyes looked blind. I carried it to the shade and fed it water from a syringe and wrapped it with a towel because the flies were bothering it. It looked so miserable it broke my heart. Lunch time I bought some milk and said right after work I will feed it. Too bad, it had already died. It wasn't the death that made me sad but the thought that it had to suffer all alone for a whole day or perhaps over that long weekend. Hungry, lonely with no mommy to lick away its pain. I hope it woke up in a better world. I hope it is running happily and healthily in a beautiful part of heaven. With lots of love.
I'm so sorry that the little guy didn't make it. I hope he's happy on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.
Sad nubbin wiggles,
Another story to make us cry Tooki!! Sorry the puppy could not have a life like we provide for our dogs.... I need to tell you that Rubie and I have nominated your blog for an award..... (!) Go to my blog to read about it. I leave it to you to accept if you want to. Rubie's mum.
Thank you so much for the nomination. I will need time to figure out how to accept it.
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