Friday, April 29, 2011

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (And Nose)

What's that? Smoke! Fire!!??

Nooo...just fogging out those deadly dengue mosquitoes.

What's Right -- What's Wrong

This is the right thing to do under my table when I am blogging.
(Wawa, share the toys with Coco, ok?)

This is not the right thing to do when I am blogging.

Saving Momo

Save me, please! I fell into the ravine again!

Oooooh! This purse is so comfy! Can I have it? Why not?

I don't understand why I can't have it. Oh, you need it for future rescues? Ok....:(

Thanks for saving me again!

Please Rain!

The weather has been unbearably hot. Insects abound, especially mosquitoes. I was told that heartworm is spread by them. Poor Lele must've been bitten by one. He has a huge bump near his right eye........ :(

You've Got A Friend

Mr. Octopus has got a new friend. It's a hand towel. I was told by the person selling it that it's a great hand towel that is reaaaalllly absorbent. It proved otherwise. Couldn't dry my hands properly so I gave it to Coco and Wawa to chew on.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dog Trainer

No, I don't train dogs. They train me........
a) weight lifting (lift dogs for bath/carry the vacuum cleaner)
b) squats and bends (pick up their toys)
c) arm exercise (swinging the mop/vacuum)
d) leg exercise (pedalling the mop bucket)
e) brisk walking (early morning rush for work)
f) jogging (chase dog for bath/spanking)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Let's Pray

Tired...the sun was was the right time to get close to my Father. So I opened the screens and settled down in my chair.....

Wawa brought his pillow along and snuggled close to my feet. Seems like he wanted to pray too..... :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

I Am Dreaming Of....

What are you dreaming of.....?

Are you dreaming of Wawa....?

No...we are dreaming of butter cookies...hungry....

Were You Sulking?

Suddenly out of the blue Coco began to eat normally again. Not only did she finish her plate of boiled chicken, she ate all her vegetables as well. There were a few things I did differently. I added garlic (as advised by Rubie's Mom). I didn't use gloves when I shredded the chicken and I served her first instead of Wawa. I have a suspicion it could be the latter. I have always served Wawa first because that was the only way I could get him into the enclosure and allow Coco to eat in peace later. Perhaps she was sulking all this while. Perhaps Wawa's hungry whining outside the door helps whet her appetite. She must be thinking, serves you right for always grabbing my toys and food and my Mommy.

We Had A Field Day!

Who chewed the bathroom slipper?

Who chewed the toilet roll holder? So where am I going to hang the toilet paper now??

Never leave toilet door open when you're not home.... :(

Friday, April 15, 2011

Body Weight

I have discovered why Coco hasn't been eating her food. She has developed a taste for the sweet and salty and didn't think much of my tasteless boiled chicken. She survived on dog titbits and sweet cookies for weeks but surprisingly didn't lose that much weight - only 0.5kg. Wawa on the other hand has put on 3 to 4kg. Inspite of unrestrained eating, I have only put on 0.5kg and my BMI shows that I am still (grossly) underweight. My overweight and obese colleagues (not insulting them but that's what their BMI indicated) think, sleep and breathe diet. They eat very little but have not lost any weight at all. The nutritionist who gave us a talk said we must eat a great variety of food. I agree. She says for breakfast, make sure we eat at least 7 types of food. I disagree! I am more for food combining and eating one type of food at a time so as not to overwork our system. In theory, I am all for natural hygiene principles but in practice.....hey, that's protein + carbohydrates in the picture! A no-no! But I was very hungry after all that housework....

Is My Hair Ok?

Before her haircut........

.......and after her not-so-professional grooming by Mommy!

A Girl And Her Cat

In appreciation of the comments on my previous is another doodle. I noticed that my neighbor doodled a lot on kitchen things and I couldn't help complimenting her on her excellent doodle of a papaya. So life-like.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Victim Of (Blah) Talks

After decades of being a victim of speakers (people up there on the stage holding microphone in hand) I have developed a GREAT aversion towards them. Unfortunately, that also includes preachers. I was compelled to attend another "conference" and as usual I had to sit in a cold room listening to speakers blah-blah from 8am to 10pm. Everyone had a glazed look and sparkled when tea/lunch/dinner was served. Since there wasn't anything new to learn I started doodling. My neighbor was inspired and she started doodling too.

Well, not all is bad about courses and conferences. We get to meet old friends, we escape work for a few days, we get to eat, although the food was as bland as the speakers. We are presented with a certificate and most important of all, we get our "points". Someone at the top suddenly had this bright idea about continuous learning and points. I don't know what will happen if we don't achieve the quota. Maybe they will hang us by the thumbs.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mr. Glum & Miss Gloomy

Glum, glum, gloomy....... :(

Why are both of you so gloomy?

Because you cut off the dangling bits and now we can't reach the wallpaper anymore!! What shall we play with when you're not home??

Would You Like To Be On My Wall?

I found this cute image on the internet while looking for ways to cover up my wall. You know, where the wallpaper used to be......

Like Mother Like Son

This is Wawa.

This is Wawa's Mummy. They do have the same woeful expression. Wawa also shakes and shivers like she does when afraid.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Frustrating Encounter

I had a frustrating encounter at the car service centre yesterday and I felt like giving the woman at the counter a bite in the face. Like Wawa. When you buy a national car in Malaysia, you get 3 "free" car services. Sounds good? Not really - only the labour is free and then you pay 3 times more for the oil, filters etc etc. You also get 4 years' warranty on spare parts. Sounds good? Not really. It applies only when they get to service your car (at exorbitant charges) or else the warranty becomes invalid. You may also have to wait months for a spare part and a MINOR service can take as long as 4 hours. Yesterday's conversation went like this....

Me : I think I've got a problem with my absorbers. Can I get them inspected today?

Her : Our technician is not in.

Me : When will they be in?

Her : We can't say for sure.

Me : Can I leave my number with you. As soon as they come in give me a call and I will fly over.

Her : Oh no, we can't do that because they come and go.

Me : (?) How about tomorrow? Can you fix the time so I can come when they are free?

Her : Oh no, we can't do that! We do not know when they will be free! You have to make an appointment.

Me : Ok, just let me know what time the appointment is and which day they are free.

Her : Oh no! We cannot tell you what time they are free! Come early and we will give you a number.

Me : Ok, can I come, get the number and return later so I don't have to waste time nodding off in your office for 5 hours?

Her : Oh no, we can't do that!

Me : ?? I don't mind being the last car serviced, you know. You can give me the last number for the day and I can come then.

Her : Oh no, we cannot tell you the exact time!

Me : How about a rough estimate of the time?

Her : We can't do that either!

Me : (Snarling and baring my teeth by now). Ok, miss, in case the absorbers have to be changed, are the parts available?

Her : Oh, we will have to check first.

Me : Can you check now?

Her : Ok

Me : (Happy at last, she said ok! Finally!)

Her : Yes the parts are available.

Me : (Oh, wonder of wonders, light at the end of the tunnel!) Can you make sure the parts are ready when I come then?

Her : Oh no, we cannot guarantee that! I can only tell you the parts are available today or tomorrow! But we cannot service your car today because we are full for the day!

Me : ??!!?? Ok I will come tomorrow then.

Her : What time would you like to come?

Me : You should be the one telling me.....after all God knows when you guys are ever free. Or perhaps even God doesn't know.


Coco refuses to eat her food and I am getting worried. She now eats once a day and I give her boiled chicken (plus potatoes and carrots sometimes). Last night she just ate the carrots. I tried giving her some beef and she just managed a sniff. Perhaps she's turning into a vegetarian. What does everybody else feed their schnauzer??

What I Love Most

I love it when...........

I can lie here and get a tummy rub!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ha-Ha Toy

The dogs have got a new toy. It laughs when squeezed - the hollow laughter of a very tickled child. Wawa knows how to make it laugh continuosly and he'll run round the apartment like a jeering hyena with Coco behind him. I put it away before I go to sleep - eerie being woken up by a child's laughter in the middle of the night.

Mmm...I Am So Tired

How do I put food in your dish if you keep sleeping in it?

Why I Looked Like Thunder

Hundreds of dollars down the drain....... :(

Did We Do Something Wrong?

Did we do something wrong again, Coco? Mommy's face sure looks like thunder. Coco?

Sssssh! I am right behind you. Must you carry that piece of wallpaper in your mouth?
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